We, in Asia, will lead the 5th IR, Jabbar tells 15th general conference of AUAP

"Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina undertook the project to establish Digital Bangladesh in the world by 2021, which we have achieved, and we need to now move to Industrial Revolution 5.0 to make technology ensure social and human development, leading to a developed Bangladesh in next ten years", said Mustafa Jabbar, minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology.
"The main aspect of the 5th industrial revolution is the direct interaction of technology with people, leading to social and human development, and not just technology growth. I hope with Dr Md Sabur Khan of Bangladesh becoming the new AUAP President, the nation will benefit technologically and leap to the next phase of industrial revolution."
He was speaking at the inaugural session of the second day of the three-day-long 15th General Conference of the Association of the Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Sabur Khan, chairman of Board of Trustees of Daffodil International University, is congratulated for being the new president of AUAP elected from this general conference, reads a press release.

Dr Fernando León-García, president of the International Association of University Presidents-IAUP (2021-2024), was the keynote speaker.
Dr Garcia enumerated the overall results of an IAUP survey of educational leaders of many universities: most institutes have successfully pivoted suitable pedagogical, technological and health-related measures to provide continuity to educational programs, often migrating to tech-driven distance education, and are now moving to nimble blended learning, with bifocal leadership (short-term and long-term goals, physical and distance learning, both), and short accessible skills based education as well.
He talked about academic bank of credit and more personalised programmes and learning, going ahead.
The opening ceremony of the second day of Association of the Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) has started with the national anthem of Bangladesh. Prof Dr Ricardo P Pama, secretary-general, AUAP welcomed around 60 delegates from 32 universities around the world for the second day at Radisson Blu Water Garden Hotel, Dhaka.
Dr Md Sabur Khan, first vice president of AUAP and founder and chairman, DIU, Bangladesh andDr Peter P Laurel, outgoing president of AUAP and president of LPU, Philippines, also spoke on the occasion.
A video message from Education Minister Dr Dipu Moni welcomed the guests, talked about how Bangladesh higher education evolved blended learning facing pandemic, and congratulated Dr Sabur Khan on his new role, the release adds.
The sessions, thereafter, focused on various case-studies and best practices from various universities, especially with regards to blended learning, internationalisation, digital learning, project-based learning, and what can be the features of the university of the future.