UCB hands over Service Excellence Award 2021 to branch managers

The Service Quality Department of United Commercial Bank Limited (UCB) has organised the "Service Excellence Award-2021" at UCB Corporate Office Wednesday (11 May).
The awards have been provided to recognise the performing Branch Managers of the country who provided optimum quality service to the clients.
Arif Quadri, managing director and CEO of UCB chaired the programme and handed over the service excellence awards to the champions, reads a press release.
Additional Managing Director Syed Faridul Islam, Additional Managing Director Nabil Mustafizur Rahman, Additional Managing Director Abul Alam Ferdous, Deputy Managing Director N Mustafa Tarek, Deputy Managing Director Md Abdullah Al Mamoon, Deputy Managing Director Mohammed Habibur Rahman, Deputy Managing Director Md Shah Alam Bhuiyan, Deputy Managing Director Mohammed Khorshed Alam, Deputy Managing Director and Company Secretary ATM Tahmiduzzaman FCS and Senior Executive Vice President and Head of Imperial Banking Division & Service Quality department Mohammad Shafiqur Rahman along with other senior officials of the bank were present at the event.