Professor Emeritus Syed Saad Andalib shares life story at ‘Ogroj’

Professor Emeritus Syed Saad Andalib, former vice - chancellor of BRAC University and distinguished professor at Pennsylvania State University, has narrated his life's story in the 27th episode of IPDC's "Ogroj", an online series paying tribute to Bangladeshi icons in the post - independence era.
On the "Ogroj" stage, Professor Syed Saad Andalib had a lively discussion with renowned banker and eloquent speaker Anis A Khan, said a press release.
Professor Andalib holds a PhD in Marketing from the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, along with a BS in Chemical Engineering and a Master's degree from the University of New Hampshire.
Professor Andalib spoke about his days as the Vice Chancellor of BRAC University, where he served from 2014 to 2016. During his tenure, BRAC University became the number one private university in Bangladesh and was ranked 228th among the top 400 universities in Asia.
The Professor took up an initiative called the Foundation for Learning Teaching and Research (FLTR) along with vice - chancellors of the nine private universities in Bangladesh to develop tertiary level teaching and research at universities, with a focus on innovation and excellence in higher education.
Professor Syed Saad Andalib served the Bangladesh Planning Commission during the formulation of the 8th Five-Year Plan of Bangladesh in 2020 as an advisor.
He also served as a member of the Board of Trustees of BDREN (Bangladesh Research and Education Network) under the Bangladesh University Grants Commission.
Professor Syed Saad Andalib has published a vast number of research papers and journals on business and education, and continues to present his opinions about relevant topics in several leading newspapers in Bangladesh.
Mominul Islam, managing director and CEO of IPDC Finance, said, "Professor Andalib has created a strong foundation for the future of the country by making remarkable contributions in his fields of expertise."
"We want to shift the focus of the masses on the lives of all such leading personalities who continue to push forward the development of our beloved country. His presence on the stage of Ogroj has thus made our initiative much more meaningful, "added Mominul Islam.