LabAid Hospital observes world kidney day

In observance of World Kidney Day, LabAid Specialized Hospital organised a special event with the theme "Diagnose Early, Protect Your Kidneys." Sponsored by LabAid Pharmaceuticals, the event featured a seminar at LabAid Hospital, attended by renowned professors from various hospitals in the country.
The chief guest for the event was Professor Dr. Mohammad Rofiqul Alam, while Professor Dr. Ashia Khanam served as a special guest. The session was chaired by Dr. Abduz Zaher, with Dr. Md. Moniruzzaman and Dr. A.S.M. Zulfikar Helal acting as panel experts.
During the seminar, Dr. Moniruzzaman presented a paper on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of kidney disease, while Dr. Zulfikar Helal delivered a paper on kidney disease and infertility. The event was moderated by Brig. Gen. (Retd.) Professor Dr. Subhash Chandra Roy. At the end of the event, Ahmed Dawood, CEO of LabAid Hospital, expressed his gratitude to all attendees.
Also present at the event were Iftekhar Ahmed, head of operations at LabAid Hospital, along with other senior officials.
Earlier in the day, a colourful rally was organised, which started from LabAid Specialized Hospital, passed through Green Road and Mirpur Road, and concluded at the LabAid Cardiac Hospital.