Konka refrigerator wins three awards at China Refrigerator Industry Summit

Konka, a refrigerator brand, has won three awards in different categories at the China Refrigerator Industry Summit Forum-2022 in Beijing recently.
The company received the "Leading Brand of Ecological Preservation in Refrigerator Industry-2022" award for its performance in high-end intelligent and preservation technology, said a press release.
It also received the "China Refrigerator Industry Ultra-long Fresh Preservation Leading Product-2022" award for its 15-day ecological fresh refrigerator technology and the "China Refrigerator Industry Outstanding Channel Performance Product-2022" award for sterilisation clean taste fresh refrigerator technology.
Konka began its journey in Bangladesh back in 1998 by Electro Mart Group.
Trade International Industries, a concern of Electro Mart Group, has been providing new eco-friendly electronic products at affordable prices to its customers through sharing technology of China-Bangladesh joint venture.
At present, 40 more series of Konka refrigerators and freezers are available in all sales and display centres, retail showrooms and partner showrooms in Bangladesh.