Kabir Securities launches country’s first-ever AI Chatbot in capital market

Kabir Securities Limited (KSL) has launched Bangladesh's first-ever AI trading chatbot "Ninja" in capital Market.
This unique trading chatbot system will not only help trading, but it will also assist and support investors, improve portfolio management, and provide solutions for all aspects of trading.
According to a press release, the chatbot "Ninja" helps their clients easily access to all Stock Market services and makes it possible for their clients to trade in the DSE and CSE from anywhere, at any time.
It will also provide all BO Account services, instant portfolio on client demand, current and upcoming IPO information, individual script/share prices, fundamental data, fund deposits and withdrawals, etc. It provides all basic information of the stock market to new & existing customers.
"Ninja" Chatbot Features to deliver affective and prompt real-time customer services, monitoring client inquiries, response times, satisfaction levels, and other metrics.
"Ninja" is able to grasp natural speech in both English and mixed texts between Bangla and English using Machine Learning techniques. In order to respond to the query, it invokes the Natural Language Generation (NLG) service to answer the query.
KSL Deputy Managing Director Shadman Kabir said, "Our goal is to improve the technology concepts and adapting electronic stock trading in our country. It is the first-ever trading chatbot in Bangladesh capital market where our clients directly trade through."
"Ninja" chatbot offers multi-faceted benefits to customers 24/7 availability, Superfast response and Personalized solution with natural language processing In the days ahead, Kabir Securities Limited plans to bring in even more innovations, which will modernize our trading experience,'' he added.
This first ever unique AI intelligent trading chatbot was developed by one of their concern Neocon Technologies Ltd. They are also constructing Kabir Securities Ltd's world-class Order Management System (OMS).