Janata Bank holds a daylong training program

A special training program titled 'Annual Performance Agreement (ACA)' was held at Janata Bank on 17 October.
The day-long training program was organised by Janata Bank Staff College, Dhaka and MIS Department.
Reportedly, Janata Bank has signed an agreement titled "Annual Performance Agreement (ACA) 2021-2022" with the Financial Institutions Department of the Ministry of Finance.
Janata Bank has arranged this training program to conduct the activities under this agreement, says a press release.
A total of 750 trainees, including executives of all levels of Janata Bank Limited, all departmental and area heads, branch managers and APA concerned officers, have participated in the virtual training program.
The event was inaugurated by Md Abdus Salam Azad, managing director and CEO of Janata Bank Ltd,
In his welcome note, he discussed the achievements of Janata Bank so far in terms of the Annual Performance Agreement (ACA) and the future action plan in this regard.
ABM Ruhul Azad, additional secretary and APA team leader of the department of financial institutions of the finance ministry, elaborated on the concepts of performance management system in his speech.
He also mentioned that the collection of deposits of over Tk1 lakh crore by Janata Bank is a notable achievement of the bank.
Rukhsana Hasin, joint secretary and APA member, Department of Financial Institutions, Ministry of Finance, Maksuma Akhtar Banu, Deputy Secretary and APA Member and Faisal Ahmed, SPO and APA member conducted other essential sessions related to the training program.