Bengal Group of Industries wins National Productivity and Quality Excellence Award

Bengal Windsor Thermoplastics Ltd. was awarded the National Productivity and Quality Excellence Award 2021 on 17 June.
The award is given to companies that contribute to the economy through creating employment opportunities and promoting technological innovations. Every year, National Productivity Organization (NPO) gives out the National Productivity and Quality Excellence Award to the most deserving organisations and companies.
Bengal Windsor Thermoplastics Ltd. won the first position in the "Medium Industry" (Plastic) category. Amir Daud, the chief operating officer of Bengal Plastics Ltd. received the award.
Minister of Industries, Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun, MP, handed over the award to the recipients and State Minister of Industries Kamal Ahmed Majumder, MP, Mostofa Azad Chowdhury Babu, Senior Vice President, FBCCI and Zakia Sultana, Industries Ministry Secretary were also present as special guests at the award ceremony.