Bank Asia distributes harvesting machines to farmers of haor area

As a part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Bank Asia Limited has distributed Harvesting Machines to farmers of haor area in Kishoreganj district recently.
Syed Humayun Kabir, head of LSSD, Mynul Hossain, FVP, CRM, Md. Mahabub Ur Rashid, FVP, CRM, Rafiqul Islam, officer in-charge of Tarail Thana, Ashraful Alam, upazila agriculture officer, Tarail, and Mohammed Jahangir Hossan, head of Tarail Branch of Bank Asia were present at the programme held at Tarail, Kishoreganj on 17 April, said a press release.
Bank Asia has taken the initiative to facilitate the farmers for harvesting their crops smoothly.