IFIC Bank becomes co-sponsor of Independence Cup

IFIC Bank Limited became the co-sponsor for the 11th Independence Cup Football tournament starting from 27 November at Birshreshtha Shaheed Sepoy Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Stadium in the capital.
Ahead of the tournament, Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) and IFIC Bank held a sponsor signing, logo unveiling and draw ceremony on Tuesday at BFF building, Motijheel, said a press release.
Mr Abdus Salam Murshedy MP, senior vice president, BFF; Mr Abu Nayeem Sohag, general secretary, BFF; Mr Shah Mohammad Moinuddin, DMD and head of International Division, IFIC Bank; Ms Nayla Tarannum Chowdhury, head of Corporate Communication and Branding, IFIC; along with BFF higher officials and sponsor organisations attended the event.