Bangladesh exports 50,000 tonne GM poultry feed to India

The first consignment of 50,000 tonnes of genetically modified (GM) soyameal from Bangladesh has reached India via the land port of Petrapole in West Bengal.
This is the first time since independence that India has allowed import of GM raw material, which will be used for making poultry feed, reports The Indian Express.
Soyameal refers to the protein-rich solid left after oil is extracted from the seed. It forms the protein component of poultry feed.
An acute shortage and resultant escalation in prices of soyameal had prompted the Indian poultry industry to seek import of the item.
The industry has been given till 31 October for importing 12 lakh tonnes of soyameal.
Majority of the imports would come to India from Vietnam as larger consignments from Brazil, Argentina or USA by sea.
After October, the domestic production will also arrive in Indian local markets, which would lead to softening of prices.
India has reported sowing over 121 lakh hectares as against the 119 lakh hectares of last year. Maharashtra alone has reported sowing over 45 lakh hectares, the highest ever in the state.