UNDP launches #MaskUpBangladesh
The campaign aims to raise awareness of the necessity of wearing masks

To encourage the usage of masks, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Bangladesh launched a social media campaign with the hashtag #MaskUpBangladesh, one hashtag at a time.
The campaign aims to raise awareness of the necessity of wearing masks.
People are encouraged to upload a photo of themselves in their face mask with the hashtag to let their friends and family know that wearing a mask is the responsible thing to do during this crisis.
Sudipto Mukerjee, resident representative of UNDP Bangladesh, said, "The current crisis is likely to last long and will need society-wide behavioural change. That is exactly what we are hoping to achieve through the MaskUp campaign to keep people safe and healthy."
As the economy reopened and people had to familiarise themselves with the new normal, wearing face masks for protection from the coronavirus became of paramount importance.
Wearing a mask, combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, can significantly reduce the likelihood of contracting Covid-19.
"#MaskUpBangladesh teaches people that in this day and age, wearing a mask is the responsible way to go about life. The new normal is here, and we must adapt," Sudipto added.
BBC reports one unpublished study by scientists at Arizona State University that found if 80% of people wore only moderately effective masks, it could reduce the number of deaths in New York by 17-45% over a two-month period.
Even wearing masks that were just 20% effective could cut mortality by 24-65% in Washington and 2-9% in New York, if enough people wore them.
Members of Parliament, the US ambassador, celebrities, and cricket players have already expressed solidarity with #MaskUpBangladesh and others are expected to join.