NCC councillor tests Covid-19 positive
She contracted the virus during Eid when she was engaged in public services

Monowara Begum, a reserve-seat women councillor of Narayanganj City Corporation's (NCC) wards 4, 5 and 6, has tested positive for novel coronavirus.
She confirmed the media that she tested Covid-19 positive on Friday evening.
"The symptoms were there since the day of Eid, but I didn't realize it, because I have diabetes," said Councilor Monowara Begum, adding, "Two days after Eid, when I felt very bad, I called the medical doctor of the city corporation and he came and took my sample."
"They called me four days after taking the sample and told me that I was Covid-19 positive. Since then I have been in home quarantine and taking treatment at home. By the grace of God, I am much healthier," said Monowara Begum.
She said that she contracted the virus during Eid when she was engaged in public services and hoped that everyone would pray for her.
"Samples of many of my family members have been taken and those of the rest will be taken within the next two days," added Monowara Begum.