Man dies from coronavirus in Keraniganj
Eleven family members of the deceased were sent to quarantine today morning

A man who tested positive for coronavirus died at Kolatia area on Friday night, raising the death toll to three in the upazila.
The deceased was identified as Abul Hannan. 55.
Kazi Mainul Islam, officer-in-charge of Keraniganj Model Police Station, said Hannan had been suffering from fever and cold for the last several days.
As his condition deteriorated, he was taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital where he tested positive for the virus, added the OC.
Later, he was referred to Kurmitola General Hospital where he died around 10pm.
Upazila Nirbahi officer Omit Debnath said eleven family members of the deceased were sent to quarantine on Saturday morning.
Meanwhile, total coronavirus cases climbed to 33 in the upazila.