Importing South Korean antigen Kit is unlawful: Dr Zafrullah
"We have the kit ready, but we can't market it"

Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK) founder and trustee board member, Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury has claimed that the government's act of importing antigen kits from South Korea is unlawful.
He made the remark Thursday night during an interview.
Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury said that they were the first to discover antigen and antibody kits and the government asked them to test the antigen kit in an American lab.
"Now the government is importing antigen kits from South Korea. But the South Korean antigen Kit has not been tested in American labs," added Dr Zafrullah.
"I explained to the government that I have made this kit for the people of my country and I have fought with ambassadors in four countries. But we were given a new condition about the kit, to be tested in a third party lab in America or Sweden, for which we will have to spend Tk1 crore."
"South Korea must also pass the test that was required of us as well. But the government is not following that policy in the case of South Korea," said Dr Zafrullah.
"It is absolutely unlawful for the government to set one rule for our kits, and another shortcut rule for other countries kits."
Dr Zafrullah further added, "We have the kit ready, but we can't market it. At least four countries want to take our antigen kit. But the condition there is that the kit must be registered in our country. That's why I can't give them. I cannot help the people of the country and the people of the world."