Globe Biotech cancels vaccine trial contract with icddr,b
On 14 October, icddr,b signed an MoU with Globe Biotech to conduct the trial

Globe Biotech Limited has cancelled its contract with the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b), alleging that the latter is not showing enough interest to conduct phase-1 human trials of Globe's vaccine candidates.
Dr Md Mohiuddin, manager of the local pharmaceutical group, confirmed this to The Business Standard on Tuesday.
"We cancelled the contract on Monday. As per the MoU, we were at liberty to cancel the deal any time if the trial did not begin within 30 days. The trial is yet to begin even after 1.5 months, which is why we have closed the deal," he said.
He also said that the Health Secretary had visited Globe Biotech's office on Tuesday, suggesting that we consult with the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) regarding the human trial of the vaccine.
"As per IEDCR's advice, we will appoint a Clinical Research Organisation and apply to the Bangladesh Medical Research Council and the Directorate General of Drug Administration to launch the human trial," he added further.
The icddr,b authorities declined to make any statement over the annulment of the contract.
Icddr,b signed an MoU with Globe Biotech on 14 October to conduct the trial.
On 2 July, Globe Biotech announced development of a Covid-19 vaccine after successful completion of preliminary animal trials.
On 5 October, they announced that they had received "very promising" results from the pre-clinical trials on rabbits and mice.
The company said assuming full support from the government, BANCOVID would hit the market in late December or early January next year.