CVASU, BJRI jointly unveil Covid-19 genome sequence
The authorities have submitted the sequence data to GISAID database

The Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) and Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) have jointly sequenced the complete genome of the novel coronavirus, the agriculture ministry confirmed on Thursday.
Earlier, the National Institute of Biotechnology in Savar and DNA Solution had sequenced the genome. Three more organisations jointly worked with DNA Solution.
According to the agriculture ministry, CVASU and the Jute Genome Project of BJRI have completed the sequencing of seven novel coronavirus samples.
The authorities have submitted the data to the GISAID database. It is also uploaded on the website of the Jute Research Institute.
Genome data analysis shows that the sequences are similar to those found in Saudi Arabia, Russia, Australia and in the United States.
Mutations were found for one genome in seven places, for two genomes in five places and for four genomes in four places.
Further analysis of the unveiled genome sequence is underway. Information from the unveiled genome sequence will help design and evaluate diagnostic tests. The information will also be supportive in identifying potential alternative approaches to battle the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak.