WDB starts dam repair on Khulpetua river

The Water Development Board (WDB) started the repair of the dam on the Kholpetua River on the Satkhira coastal belt which was damaged on 14 July.
"The WDB took all out preparations to repair the dam, which was damaged suddenly. The embankment could not be repaired during the last three days due to high tide," WDB South-West Zone Chief Engineer AKM Tahmidul Islam said.
The repair work has been going on with 5,000 GO bags and bamboo, he added.
On 14 July, the 150 feet embankment on the Kholpetuariver at West Durgabati under Burigoalini union was devoured by the river.
As a result, 25,000 people of nine villages were marooned and many fish enclosures, ponds and crab farms were washed away.
Burigoalini union parishad Chairman Haji Nazrul Islam said 500 residents of the coastal areas have been working to repair the embankment through the WDB contractor.
"A ring dam is being constructed away from the damaged point. Hopefully, the construction will end tomorrow or the next day. The river tide will enter the locality until the embankment's construction is completed," he said.