WB approves $210m to enhance early childhood development in Bangladesh

The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors on Tuesday (31 October) approved $210 million for the Bangladesh Enhancing Investments and Benefits for Early Years (BEIBEY) Project.
This project aims to provide cash transfers and counselling services to improve nutrition and directly benefit approximately 1.7 million pregnant women and mothers with children under 4 years of age living in vulnerable households, reads a World Bank press release.
The project's funding comes from a credit provided by the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA), which offers concessional financing. The credit has a 30-year term with a 5-year grace period.
On the occasion, World Bank Country Director (Bangladesh and Bhutan) Abdoulaye Seck emphasised the need for change stating, "Under current education and health systems, a child born today in Bangladesh would only be 46 percent as productive as they could potentially be. Ensuring adequate nutrition prenatally and in the first 1000 days of life, and responsive caregiving throughout childhood, help maximize a child's brain development and health. This enables them to be more productive and earn more when they grow up."
"The project will help poor mothers be informed about timely and appropriate care for their children and provide income support to act on that learning to improve their children's health and well-being," he added.
Despite notable advances in human development, poor nutrition and learning poverty among children remain significant challenges in Bangladesh, which were exacerbated during Covid-19 lockdowns.
These issues have long-term implications for children's cognitive development and their future productivity. The project will contribute to early childhood development by supporting the expansion and strengthening of the government's existing social protection program, the Mother and Child Benefit Programme (MCBP).
Aneeka Rahman, World Bank Senior Social Protection Economist and Team Leader for the project, highlighted some of the key risks affecting children's optimal development, including poverty, parental distress, and a lack of age-appropriate engagement and stimulation.
She noted that supporting children from the earliest stages, including proper nutrition and healthcare for pregnant women, can significantly boost Bangladesh's economic and demographic potential.
Moreover, investing early in a child's life, especially during their crucial developmental years, can lead to substantial benefits for the entire nation.
The World Bank was among the first development partners to support Bangladesh. Since independence, the World Bank has committed about $40 billion in grants, interest-free and concessional credits to the country. Currently, Bangladesh has the largest IDA program in the world with a total of $16.46 billion commitment to 57 ongoing projects.