Water levels in three rivers mark further rise in Chapainawabganj

Water levels in all three major rivers of Chapainawabganj district mark further rise during the last 24 hours.
The water level rose seven centimetres in Padma, seven centimetres in Mohananda, and 11 centimetres in Punarvaba during the last 24 hours, according to District Water Development Board (WDB) sources.
After the rise, Padma was flowing 1.20 metres below the danger level while Mohananda 1.30 metres below the danger level, and Punarvaba 1.71 metres below the danger level.
But, the water level now reached 20.85m at Pankha point in Padma, 19.25m at Khalghat point in Mohananda, and 19.84m at Rohonpur point in Punarvaba.