US Embassy charge d'Affaires visits Chattogramg Port
She inspected container handling activities at Jetty 3 and 4 of the New Mooring Container Terminal (NCT) in the port

JoAnne Wagner, charge d'Affaires of the United States Embassy in Dhaka has paid a visit at the Chattogram Port to inspect container handling activities.
She inspected container handling activities at Jetty 3 and 4 of the New Mooring Container Terminal (NCT) in the port on Sunday afternoon.
Earlier on Sunday afternoon, Wagner exchanged views with senior officials, including the chairman of the Chattogram Port Authority (CPA).
CPA Port Member (Harbor and Marine) Commodore Mohammad Mostafizur Rahman, Director (Transport) Enamul Karim, Director (Security) Lt Col Mostafa Arif-ur-Rahman Khan were present at the meeting.
Along with Captain Tanvir, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Saif Powertech, terminal operator of NCT management, other officials were also present.