Tobacco use in public places by passengers, transport workers still high

General passengers and transport workers still use tobacco and tobacco products in public places despite law enforcement and awareness campaign conducted by both the public and private organisations.
About 44% of the passengers and 30% bus drivers smoke or use tobacco in public places like bus terminals, a study has found.
The rate of tobacco use at bus terminals among the helpers/conductors is 26%.
Development Activities of Society (DAS) with support of the development partner, The Union, disseminated the findings of the compliance monitoring survey at a virtual programme on Saturday.
DAS conducted the compliance monitoring survey at the three major bus terminals of Dhaka – Gabtoli, Mohakhali and Sayedabad–upon completion of a two-year project implemented since September 2020.
In the survey, it was found that 75% of passengers knew about the harmful sides of tobacco. Still 35% of them smoke at the bus terminals.
On the other hand, 67% bus drivers and helpers/conductors were aware about the detrimental sides of smoking. But 57% of them still smoke in open places like bus or their working areas.
DAS consultant Dr Md Akramul Islam presented the survey findings.
The survey also found that 61% of the general passengers protest when anyone smoke in public transport.
The survey recommended solution of the limitations of the tobacco control act.