Bangladesh slips to 112th position in mobile internet speed

Bangladesh slipped to 112th position in March from 106 in February in the Speedtest Global Index by the global internet network intelligence and connectivity insights provider Ookla.
The speed test done by Ookla found a median download speed of 24.59 Mbps in March, while the median upload speed was 11.53 Mbps.
Of the telecom operators, Banglalink with 26.74 Mbps download speed led others, while its competitors Robi, Airtel, and Grameenphone lagged behind.
In fixed broadband ranking, Bangladesh stood 108th in March, from 107th in the previous month.
The median download speed was 44.25 Mbps for fixed broadband, while upload speed was 43.61.
Qatar led the table with 313 Mbps download speed.
The mobile internet speed test is done in 148 countries, the fixed broadband ranking includes 182 countries.
With 284 Mbps download speed, Singapore led the fixed broadband ranking.