Tata Steel BSL becomes first company to export LD slag to Bangladesh
A Hong Kong-based existing buyer of Tata Steel BSL, Cemocoa Ltd’s keen interest in the market development of Linz-Donawitz (LD) slag in the cement-making process in Bangladesh facilitated the export

Tata Steel BSL said on Friday it has shipped nine-kilo tonnes of Linz-Donawitz (LD) slag to Bangladesh, becoming the first to export the steel manufacturing by-product to the country.
The slag was shipped through Dhamra Port's unit in Odisha's Dhenkanal district, reported the Press Trust of India.
A Hong Kong-based existing buyer of Tata Steel BSL, Cemocoa Ltd's keen interest in the market development of LD slag in the cement-making process in Bangladesh facilitated the export.
The LD slag has already been tested and tried in the concerned plant in Bangladesh.
"This endeavour is another milestone in the company's operations as it marks India's first export of LD slag to Bangladesh," the company claimed in a statement.
The proposed plan is to export 100-kilo tonnes of the by-product per annum.
Tata Steel BSL Chief Operating Officer Subodh Pandey commented on the initiative, "The company has always looked at operational and market-oriented innovations by creating value out of its by-products as part of its quest to a sustainable future. With a customer-centric approach, this is one of the series of interventions we are doing to supplement our product portfolio and explore newer markets."