Qazi Kholiquzzaman, Aynul Islam elected BEA President, General Secretary
The panel of Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad and Aynul Islam won 27 posts out of 29 in the BEA Executive Committee Election-2024

Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad and Dr Md Aynul Islam have been elected the president and general secretary of Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA) for the next two years.
The panel of Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad and Aynul Islam won 27 posts out of 29 in the BEA Executive Committee Election-2024.
The election was held from 11am to 5pm on Saturday, the concluding day of the two-day biennial conference of the BEA, at the Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) in Dhaka, said a media release.
The newly elected executive committee will serve the BEA, a professional body of some 4,000 economists, for the 2024-2026 tenure.
Other elected office bearers include Dr Jamaluddin Ahmed, AZM Saleh, Dr. Liaquat Hossain Moral, Syeda Najma Parveen Papri (independent) and Mostafizur Rahman Sardar as vice-presidents, Badrul Munir as treasurer, Sheikh Ali Ahmed Tutul and Mohammad Akbar Kabir as joint secretaries, Neshar Ahmed, Monsur MY Chowdhury, Jahangir Alam, Partha Sarthi Ghosh and Syed Esrarul Haque as assistant secretaries.
The new members of BEA Executive Committee are: Dr Abul Barkat (as per the BEA's charter), Prof Hannana Begum, Dr Moazzem Hossain Khan, Dr Zahirul Islam Sikder, Prof Shahanara Begum, Dr Nazmul Islam, Dr Shahed Ahmed, Prof Mohammad Sadekunnabi Chowdhury, Dr Alamgir Hossain Bhuiyan, Mozammel Haque, Dr Morshed Hossain, Prof Akhtaruzzaman Khan and Khorshedul Alam Quadri.