EC search panel needs more transparency: Shujan

Civil society organisation Sushashoner Jonno Nagorik (Shujan) has claimed the search committee to form the next Election Commission (EC) failed to ensure full transparency in making the names of proposed candidates public.
At a virtual press conference on Thursday, the organisation said although the panel had revealed the names of the proposed candidates, it did not mention who proposed whom.
Shujan Secretary Badiul Alam Majumder said it is necessary to determine the proper working procedure of the search committee following the principles of "transparency and impartiality".
Referring to a search committee member who had said they would finalise the candidates similarly to previous years, Badiul Alam said they are concerned since the previous panels lacked transparency.
"There are also serious questions whether the 2017 search committee acted impartially. It is necessary to immediately inform the people about the working procedures of the committee in order to ensure full transparency and impartiality."
The Shujan secretary noted that the names of the proposers – individuals, political parties and professional bodies – should be made public. Besides, the names of the shortlisted candidates should be revealed, interviewed and go through careful scrutiny.
He said the committee also should publish a report detailing its work proceedings.
Eminent lawyer and also an executive member of Shujan Shahdeen Malik said their main target is to help authorities organise a fair national election – which firstly requires a fair Election Commission.
He termed steps undertaken by the current search committee so far better compared to previous ones.