Democracy itself is under threat around the world: EU ambassador

Democracy itself is under threat worldwide, extending beyond the traditional western liberal order, Charles Whitley, European Union ambassador and head of delegation in Bangladesh, said during a discussion at a conference today (5 May).
The remarks were delivered on the inaugural day of the "First Development Studies International Conference," jointly organised by the Department of Development Studies of Dhaka University and Dainik Banik Barta at the Sonargaon Hotel in the capital.
He was addressing a session titled "Navigating the Complexities of the Evolving Global Order for Development Pathways."
At the conference, quoting Thomas Jefferson, Charles pointed out the importance of eternal vigilance. He said, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. I think all democracies, whether it be Bangladesh or the European Union, are facing some severe threats, whether that be the toxic side of the internet, misinformation, and disinformation or foreign interference in elections."
The EU delegation head also said, "A familiar pattern of threats is emerging as we approach those elections. Democracy needs protection from hostile forces all the time.
"I think we're doing our best in partnership also with countries like Bangladesh to meet those challenges and to try to ensure that extremism doesn't get foretold in Europe."
"We're looking towards the European Parliamentary elections that will happen between 6 and 9 June this year. It is one of the largest democratic exercises in the world with around 400 million people eligible to vote in those elections," Charles added.
He also cautioned against the influence of extremist-leaning parties contesting these elections and underscored the importance of defending democratic values.