No instructions given to stop internet in CHT: Adviser Nahid
Nahid said the conspiracies to destablise the country were not stopping, but the state was looking into the matter with utmost importance

Internet has not been officially stopped anywhere in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Post, Telecommunication and Information Technology Adviser Nahid Islam said today (21 September).
Speaking to reporters after visiting different flood-hit areas in Feni, he said the internet was temporarily restricted on a limited scale in some places, but the reports of the service being completely stopped were exaggerated.
"No such instructions were given and no such incident occurred. No one can show evidence that the internet was off for a long time in Chittagong Hill Tracts or any other area," he said.
He suggested that the relevant authorities verify the authenticity of the allegations.
Nahid said the conspiracies to destablise the country were not stopping, but the state was looking into the matter with utmost importance.
Regarding the flood situation in Feni, he said relief operations had been satisfactorily conducted.
"Now, basically it is being seen how the rehabilitation programme can be completed quickly. Besides, provision of educational materials to the victims is also required. We are giving importance to these two things."