New value chain project aims to boost income for 6,000 Chattogram farmers

A new project titled 'Extension and Marketing of High-Value Fruit Varieties' is set to transform the agricultural landscape of Sitakunda and Mirsarai Upazila in the Chattogram district.
Funded by the Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) and implemented by Young Power in Social Action (YPSA), under the 'RMTP' project, this initiative aims to enhance the livelihoods of 6,000 small and marginal farming families and entrepreneurs by increasing income, ensuring food security, and promoting ecological farming.
A two-year (June 2024-June 2026) non-financial Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) and Sitakunda-based company The Basket on Tuesday (28 May) to this end.
The MoU outlines the scope and objectives of the partnership, including skill development, facilitating relationships, marketing assistance, transportation development, market diversification, certification and support, and advertising and market expansion.
Entrepreneurs involved in the project will deliver their products to The Basket's outlets, subject to quality checks and organisational requirements. This collaboration aims to ensure mutual benefit by maintaining high product quality and fostering a supportive relationship between the organisation and entrepreneurs.
Furthermore, the project aims to increase farmers' knowledge and skills in organic farming, contributing to environmental protection, establishing strong relations between producers and processors, and creating quick markets for products.
The project focuses on several key objectives including income enhancement, entrepreneurship development, job creation, sustainable development, environmental and nutritional quality development, and increasing women's and youth participation.
Chaired by Arifur Rahman, founder and chief executive of YPSA, the MoU signing ceremony was attended by Nazmul Hossain, chairman of The Basket, as chief guest, and Harunor Rashid, chief scientific officer of BARI, as special guest.