National Mourning Day: Bangabandhu on Times Square billboard

The life and work of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is now at display on the iconic Times Square billboard in Manhattan of the US marking his 46th martyrdom anniversary.
The exhibition has been arranged by NY Dreams Productions, a New York-based advertising agency.
Depicting the struggles of Bangabandhu and movements led by him, the show will be on display for a total of three hours within the next 24 hours.
One of the organisers of the display launching, Fahim Firoz said the show will run 720 times across the billboard for 15 seconds every two minutes in 24 hours.
The exhibition features some memorable pictures and captions, including excerpts from Bangabandhu's historic 7 March speech.
The event was inaugurated by Bangladesh Ambassador to the United States Md Shahidul Islam and Bangladesh Permanent Mission to the United Nations Rabab Fatema.