Momen recalls Shinzo Abe's role in developing Dhaka-Tokyo ties

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen on Tuesday said former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had played a very significant role in developing comprehensive relations with Bangladesh.
"We have developed a very warm relationship which helped Japan to come forward in implementing mega projects in Bangladesh," Momen said recalling Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's visit to Japan and a return visit by Abe in Dhaka.
The foreign minister made the remarks after signing the condolence book at the Japanese Embassy in Dhaka.
"It's unbelievable, specially in a country like Japan where laws are followed strictly. We are deeply shocked," Momen said Abe's assassination by a gunman.
Bangladesh on Saturday observed state mourning showing deep respect to its true friend and Japan's longest-serving prime minister who was shot dead on Friday while delivering a campaign speech.
All the government, semi-government, autonomous and private institutions and Bangladesh missions abroad raised Bangladesh's national flag at half-mast in memory of Abe.
President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed deep shock at Abe's death.
People of Japan sincerely appreciate the deepest condolence expressed by the government and people of Bangladesh, said the Japanese Embassy in Dhaka.