Industry-Design Bill-2023 passes in JS to protect intellectual property rights

The Bangladesh Industry-Design Bill-2023 yesterday passed in the house in a bid to protect the Intellectual Property Rights of industrial design.
Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun moved the bill in the house which was unanimously passed by voice votes with Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair.
Placing the bill, the minister said the proposed law is very much essential for facing the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution.
Opposition lawmakers including Fakhrul Imam, Pir Fazlur Rahman, Rawshan Ara Mannan, Kazi Feroz Rashid, Gono forum lawmaker M Mokabbir Khan and independent lawmaker Rezaul Karim Bablu, however, discussed elaborately on the advantage of the proposed act.
The lawmakers also thanked the minister for enacting a new act by repealing a century old 'Patents and Designs Act, 1911.
A registrar office will be there to issue or cancel patents of any single inventor or joint inventors of any technological innovation under the proposed law.
The bill is enacting by splitting the Patents and Designs Act, 1911 as there is a huge number of diversified affairs under the century-old law.
There is also a provision in the draft law that the owners will get compensation, and such cases will be dealt with by civil courts.
The owners will be given the patent of any innovation for 20 years after receiving application and then it will become public.
The lawmakers said since the proposed act has an importance, so it should be sought public opinion, but was rejected by voice votes.