Human chain at DU demands release of innocent BDR members
The human chain was formed at 11:30am in front of the Raju Sculpture as part of a nationwide programme

BDR Welfare Council of Dhaka district has organised a human chain at Dhaka University to press home their various demands including the release of innocent BDR members for their suspected involvement in Pilkhana massacre.
The human chain was formed at 11:30am in front of the Raju Sculpture as part of a nationwide programme.
Their other key demands included identifying and ensuring exemplary punishment of those responsible for the brutal killing of 57 army officers and 74 others in Pilkhana massacre, reinstatement of jobs of those BDR members unjustly dismissed through 18 special courts, and restoration of their government benefits such as rations, salary allowances, and promotions.
They also demanded removal of Section 2 (e) of the notification to allow the investigation commission to work independently, impartially, and without fear.
Coordinator Mahin Sarker stated, "It is unfortunate that even after the 24th uprising, we still have to demand justice for the Pilkhana massacre. We have to stand at Shahbagh. The release of BDR members and the trial of the massacre must happen quickly."
He announced that a larger gathering will be organised soon and urged all BDR members and their families to attend.
Earlier, on 9 January, coordinator Mahin Sarker had declared a program for the BDR Welfare Council to organise human chains across the country from the Central Shaheed Minar.