United Hospital completes first-ever Chronomodulated Chemotherapy in Bangladesh

A patient with advanced colon cancer was discharged from United Hospital recently after completing a Chronomodulated Chemotherapy course.
United Hospital successfully administered the course on a patient for the first time in Bangladesh, according to a press release.
Chronomodulated Chemotherapy means "time controlled chemotherapy". In this therapy, the chemotherapy drugs are administered at the specific time when cancer cells divide, making the cells more vulnerable to cell death.
Dr Ashim Kumar Sen Gupta, consultant oncology of United Hospital said, this special type time controlled chemotherapy administration improves treatment tolerance, and also can improve treatment response and survival. This can be given to patients who previously needed to discontinue a chemotherapy protocol – either because it was ineffective or it was too debilitating for the patient to tolerate.
In metastatic colon cancer or in advanced metastatic ovarian cancer, studies show that administering chemotherapy at the optimal time, can halve toxicity and double treatment response, he added.