Successful stroke management at United Hospital

A 68-year old woman arrived at the United Hospital's emergency department on August 29 at around 1pm with a 2-hour history of sudden onset left sided weakness with mild slurred speech followed by fall on ground with minor head trauma, says a press statement.
The patient recovered from the Covid-19 before this incident.
The patient was taken to the hospital's emergency within three hours of onset of stroke (therapeutic window). Then the hospital's stroke team rushed there and suspected that to be a case of acute stroke.
Then rapid neurological assessment was done along with immediate CT scan of brain with CT Angiogram.
Acute ischemic stroke on right frontal lobe was confirmed by Dr S M HasanShahriar, consultant neurologist at CT room and decision for thrombolysis was taken after confirming consent from the patient's son.
Rt-PA (Tissue Plasminogen Activator; Alteplase) started within one hour time of patient's arrival, and the patient was transferred to the stroke unit. She was monitored in stroke unit and rt-PA was completed without any complication.
After receiving treatment, the patient improved significantly, her NIH stroke score improved from 5 to 2.
Repeat CT brain done after 24 hours showing no evidence of hemorrhage or any complication. After 7 days of post-stroke, the patient can now move her limbs very well and she is now trying to stand and walk on support.
If one can be brought to United Hospital within 3 hours of the first symptoms of an ischemic stroke, after neurological assessment and necessary investigation, a thrombolytic (a "clot-busting" drug) tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is given by the skilled stroke team to break up blood clots, which improves the chances of recovering from a stroke.
Unfortunately, many stroke victims don't get to the hospital in time for tPA treatment. This is why it's so important to recognise the signs and symptoms of stroke right away and call for hospital ambulance support.