Gonoshasthaya offers Tk1,000 dialysis on night shift

Gonoshasthaya Dialysis Center Hospital will provide dialysis services at a reduced cost of Tk1,000 for poor kidney patients during night shifts from Sunday with a primary target of serving 100 individuals per night, said a release on Thursday.
According to it, Gonoshasthaya Dialysis Center Hospital at Dhanmondi has decided to start dialysis at a minimum of Tk1,000 per session from 5 February, for patients in the fourth shift (8:30 pm) and fifth shift (2 am).
The notification further said that patients will have to bear additional medical expenses excluding dialysis.
It costs Tk1,200 to Tk1,400 for dialysis at Gonoshasthaya Hospital during the day shift which has been reduced to Tk1,000 for the night shift. Dialysis cost in other private hospitals ranges between Tk3,000 to Tk3,500.
Treatment of kidney disease is expensive in the country. About 70% of kidney patients die within six months after starting dialysis in Bangladesh as they cannot afford the cost anymore and 80% of the country's patients are poor and cannot afford kidney disease treatment.