Follow WHO standards to control trans fats: CAB
CAB leaders on Sunday submitted a memorandum containing a 9-point charter of demands to BFSA Chairman Abdul Qayyum Sarkar

The Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB) has submitted a memorandum to the Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA) demanding that standards set by the World Health Organisation (WHO) be followed and regulations enacted to control the amount of harmful trans fats in food products.
CAB leaders submitted the memorandum containing a 9-point charter of demands to BFSA Chairman Abdul Qayyum Sarkar on Sunday in the presence of four members and the secretary of the BSFA.
Major demands of CAB include keeping the level of harmful trans fats in food products within 2%, banning the import of trans-fat-rich foods, amending the Labelling Regulations 2017 by making it mandatory to mention the amount of trans fat on the packs of food products.
In addition, necessary measures should be taken to prevent misleading information about trans fats, set up labs in capital and divisional cities for measuring trans fats, and make the general public aware of the risks of trans fats.
Speaking as the chief guest, the BFSA chairman said the BSFA is working positively to control trans fats, while work on the Trans Fat Regulation is almost complete.
The CAB has conducted a mass signature programme to create public awareness on setting the maximum level at 2%, set by the WHO. Around 41,000 consumers have agreed to this which has been provided to the BFSA.
Trans fats are industrially produced fats produced by the hydrogenation process such as dalda, banaspati, margarine, etc. Besides, trans fats are produced when the same oil is used repeatedly.