Climate impacts on public health serious

Adverse changes in climate are happening due to impacts of the depletion of Ozone Layer. Such changes are effecting public health and livelihoods in Bangladesh and accross the world, speakers said at a World Ozone Day 2022 webinar on Friday.
The State Minister of Disaster Management and Relief, Dr. Enamur Rahman MP, attendded the webinar as the chief guest, read a media release.
The event was organized by Thoughts & Thorough, a reserch and consultancy organisation, and chaired by its chairman, Ishrat Jahan Dilruba.
Dr. Tajuddin Sikder, a renowned environmental health expert presented keynote at the webinar.
Dr. Taj said, "Depletion of ozone layer causing more Ultra violate rays into the earth and causing critical cancers, eye and skin diseases and many heath disorders."
Dr. Enamur Rahman said that awareness about Ozone Layer Depletion is found now but more awareness and actions needed here as the issue is related to existance of life on earth.
He said government would like to consider suggesstions of Thoughts & Thorough experts in planning and executing actions for adapting and mitigating climate chage impacts.