GE to upgrade 718 MW combined cycle power plant, Reliance Bangladesh selects
Today, GE has an installed base of 38 gas turbines generating approximately 3GW of electricity in Bangladesh

Reliance Bangladesh LNG & Power has given General Electric (GE) a deal to provide gas turbine technology to a new combined cycle plant it owns and operates.
The Advanced Gas Path technology for the upcoming 718 MW plant will be instilled by GE in Meghnaghat near Dhaka, reports Power Engineering International.
The plant will be built by engineering, procurement and construction group Samsung C&T and is due to be operational in 2022.
Two of GE's 9F gas turbines will power the plant together with one GE D11 steam turbine and three H53 generators.
GE will also provide steam turbine refurbishment along with control upgrades and parts supply.
The upgrade solution will help in delivering up to 6.7% increase in power output, up to 3.3 % improvement in heat rate, up to 2% increase in efficiency, enhanced operational flexibility and extending the maintenance interval up to 32,000 hours.
The power plant will utilise re-gasified liquified natural gas fuel to generate the equivalent electricity needed to supply more than 850,000 homes in Bangladesh.
Ranjan Lohar, chief executive of Reliance Bangladesh, a joint venture between India's Reliance Power and Japan's JERA, said: "Bangladesh needs a massive push to develop a robust power infrastructure that can sustain long-term power supply to meet the needs of the progressing economy, which is currently among the top 5 fastest growing economies."
He said the project "will give a tremendous boost to the economic and industrial growth of Bangladesh and help to enhance the energy supply with clean and reliable LNG-based power".
Deepesh Nanda, CEO of Gas Power at GE South Asia, said the new plant "will set global benchmarks in terms of fuel efficiency and operational reliability. The electricity from the power plant will contribute towards improving the per capita energy consumption in Bangladesh."
Today, GE has an installed base of 38 gas turbines generating approximately 3GW of electricity in Bangladesh.