Online art-painting competition to celebrate golden jubilee of Bangladesh’s independence

United Nations Youth and Students Association of Bangladesh (UNYSAB), is going to organise a virtual art and painting competition titled "Independence in your Eyes" on the occasion of the golden jubilee of the independence of Bangladesh.
This competition is initiated with a goal to encourage the young thinkers and future generations to share what they perceive of independence, freedom, patriotism and sacrifice.
The contest will start from February 24 and continue till March 26 of the year. The participants must be a student of grade three or upper but not more than 28 years old.
The participants will be given an honorarium and certificate which are designed specifically to promote the spread of extraordinary and innovative art to ensure the future productivity and enhance the knowledge and skill of selected artists.
UNYSAB is organising the programme in collaboration with Dhaka Ahsania Mission, Abinta Kabir Foundation, Visual Anthropology Club of Dhaka University and Research Society of Bangladesh University of Professionals.