Casino: Legal notice served on Mahbub, Menon, 2 others
They were asked to respond to the notice within 24 hours

A legal notice was served on four people, including State Minister for Civil Aviation and Tourism M Mahbub Ali and Rashed Khan Menon, chairman of the governing body of Fakirerpool Youngmen's Club, to explain why legal action should not be taken against them for their involvement with or remarks in favour casino business.
The two other respondents are Whip Shamsul Haque Chowdhury and Civil Aviation and Tourism Secretary Mohibul Haque.
They were asked to respond to the notice within 24 hours.
Supreme Court lawyer Eunus Ali Akond also served a notice on the home secretary seeking necessary measures against those involved in casino business across the country.
It was mentioned in the notice that although Menon was the chairman of Fakirerpool Youngmen's Club where a casino used to be run, no action was taken against him.
Getting involved with a casino, Menon violated article 18(2) of the Constitution, and the Public Gambling Act, 1867, it said, adding that action can be taken against him for sedition charge.
The notice also said Secretary Mohibul in the presence of Mahbub Ali revealed a decision to allow casinos in exclusive tourist zones for foreigners.
Besides, Whip Shamsul Haque was seen speaking in support of the casino.
If no response is received within the fixed time, a writ petition will be filed with the High Court in accordance with article 102 of the Constitution, the notice said.