Call for law to protect domestic workers' rights
Domestic workers urge to recognise them as workers and to include them in the Labour Act 2006

Karmojibi Nari's Founding President Shirin Akhter MP has stressed immediate formulation of a law for domestic workers to protest their rights and ensure their safety at the workplaces.
"Whatever the domestic workers and other workers, all forms of labourers have a status. In 2015, the government formulated the Protection and Welfare Policy for Domestic Workers. Eight years have passed, and no more wait for a law," she said at a mass rally at Rabindra Sarobar in the capital's Dhanmondi area on Thursday.
Dushtha Shasthya Kendra (DSK) & Karmojibi Nari (KN) have arranged the event, marking the International Women's Day (8 March) to develop the living standard of domestic workers and ensure their rights and safety.
She also urged the domestic workers to continue their fights for protecting rights and safety.
Dushtha Shasthya Kendra Executive Council; Vice President Professor Mahfuza Khanom said "Women's rights are human rights. But they are not able to enjoy those rights properly. To ensure the rights of domestic workers, we first need to change our mindset."
Dushtha Shasthya Kendra Executive Director Dr Dibalok Singha said "We are still fighting for the democratic society without discrimination that we dreamed of in the liberation war of 1971. A law must be enacted to ensure their rights and ensure its proper implementation."
Domestic Workers Rights Network (Dwrn) Acting Coordinator Abul Hossain said the Domestic Workers Protection and Welfare Policy is only a consolation award for domestic workers. A law for domestic workers should be made before the next national election.
Urging the government to protect their rights, by enacting a law, representatives of domestic workers demanded the status of their profession and recognition of their respective names, not "Bua".
At the event, they put forward some demands which include ratification of International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 189 by the government; to recognise domestic workers as workers and to include domestic workers in the Labour Act 2006; any violence and abuse against them must be prosecuted quickly and they should be allowed to be organised.
Karmojibi Nari President Dilnasheen Mohsen presided over the mass rally, where Iffat Ara, Labour Inspector (Health). Department of Inspection for Factories & Establishments, leaders of trade unions, various development organisations and 500 domestic workers from different areas of Dhaka city were also present.