Bangladesh set to complete ratification of all ILO core conventions

Bangladesh is going to complete ratification of all the basic conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) by signing Convention 138 on minimum age for employment, said State Minister for Labour and Employment Begum Monnujan Sufian.
Addressing the 344th ILO governing body meeting in Geneva on Saturday, the state minister said that she will handover the ratification letter to Guy Ryder, ILO director general, on 22 March.
She informed that the cabinet, on 28 February, approved the proposal to ratify the ILO Convention 138 prohibiting the employment of children below 14 years of age.
"Child labour will be eliminated from all sectors by 2025. The government has taken all kinds of initiatives to ensure that," she said.
She also informed that the government has recently declared five more sectors susceptive to hazardous child labour.
Mentioning that 57 countries have signed the ILO Protocol-2014 (Convention-1930) on forced labour, the junior minister said Bangladesh is also a signatory to the convention.
"Not only that, the constitution of Bangladesh also prohibits forced labour," she added.
Labour Secretary Ehsan-E-Elahi, BEPZA Executive Chairman Major General Abul Kalam Mohammad Ziaur Rahman, Bangladesh Ambassador to Switzerland and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations in Geneva Mostafizur Rahman and Joint Secretaty Humayun Kabir were present at the session.