Alternative security for ambassadors to be discussed by this or next week: Foreign secretary

Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen on Wednesday said the government will share information on alternative security services that the Ansar can provide with diplomatic missions in Dhaka either Thursday or Sunday.
"We have discussed in detail about the modalities. They (Ansar) have shared information about their capabilities. We have got a kind of idea in which format we will convey to foreign missions," he told reporters after a meeting with the director general of Ansar.
The foreign secretary said they will inform the missions in a note verbale on Sunday, if not possible by Thursday.
Ansar stands ready to provide the services if missions want, he said.
Earlier on Tuesday, the foreign secretary said the government will offer the services of the Ansar – a paramilitary auxiliary force – to the foreign missions in Dhaka as alternatives, as the withdrawal of "additional security escort" for four diplomats came into effect.
The foreign secretary held a meeting with the director general of the Ansar on Wednesday to know about the facilities they can offer and build a connection with those missions who are willing to take this service.
The foreign secretary said the government is aware of the responsibilities as a host country under the Vienna Convention and regular security measures for foreign missions and their personnel remain unchanged.