Ain o Salish Kendra criticises UP chairman trying to establish Islamic rule in the name of religious advice

In a speech that went viral on Facebook, during an annual waz mahfil at the Aulianagar Madrasa ground in Charkadia Union, union parishad Chairman Maulana Khaled Saifullah, imposed a number of Islamic restrictions on girls including restrictions on using mobile phones and wearing the burqa mandatorily.
The Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK) is strongly protesting against such arrogant statements, reads a press release.
According to media reports, on 11, 12 and 13 February 2022, at an annual waz mahfil at Aulianagar Madrasa ground in Charkadia Union, UP Chairman Maulana Khaled Saifullah imposed various restrictions on girls and even threatened to take action against guardians if they send the girls to school without burqa.
A Facebook post regarding his speech went viral.
ASK thinks that such a statement by a responsible person like the Chairman of the Union Parishad, in the name of promoting Islamic education, goes against the equal rights of women, human rights principles and civil and political rights enshrined in Article 28 (2) of the Constitution, the International Charter, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the National Action Plan adopted by the Government, the Women's Development Policy and the Sustainable Development Goals.
While the government of Bangladesh is trying to ensure equal rights and equality of women through various measures, such statements show utter disregard for the government's stance and various laws and policy frameworks.
ASK thinks that the chairman has violated the oath of allegiance to the people he took as an elected representative, reads the release.
So, ASK is demanding immediate action against the chairman, adds the statement.