‘71 killing ground turned into martyrs memorial park in Sylhet
After 52 years, the relatives found the memorial of 66 martyrs

The Salutikor killing ground in Sylhet, where over 200 freedom fighters were killed in 1971 and which remained inaccessible to people until recently, has been turned into a memorial park for people to come and show respect to the martyrs.
After a wait of 52 years, now relatives and others can come to Shadhinotar Shaheed Smriti Udyan near Sylhet Cadet College and commemorate the martyred freedom fighters.
All this has been possible thanks to the initiative of two freedom fighters – Col (retd) Mohammad Abdus Salam, Bir Protik and Professor Ziauddin Ahmed – who raised funds to develop the abandoned place and erect memorials for the martyrs.
"My father was killed before I was born. We did not even know where his grave was. Now, I am happy that at least we know where my father's body was buried. When I touched the plaque, I felt the touch of my father, for the first time in my life," Rina told The Business Standard in an emotion-choked voice.
These mass graves were lying abandoned for a long time as the location is in the reserved area of the cantonment, not accessible to the general public. There was no list of who were killed here.
Freedom fighters Abdus Salam and Ziauddin Ahmed found out the names and addresses of the martyrs lying here. So far 66 people have been identified.
The memorial park was inaugurated on Saturday.
Shahrin Rahman Lubna is the daughter of martyr Col Dr Abu Fazal Ziaur Rahman who was the principal of Sylhet Medical College in 1971. Her family only knew that he was killed by the Pakistani army but nobody knew where he was buried.
"We have been looking for my father's grave. Today, I found it. I thank from the bottom of my heart those who took this initiative. They have returned my father to us," said Lubna.
Major Dr (retd) Syed Jamil Abdal, whose father was also killed by the Pakistan army, told TBS, "My father used to work in a tea garden in Sylhet in 1971. We only knew that the army took him to the camp here. We are happy that today we found his memorial and it seems my father was given recognition for his sacrifice."
Ziauddin and Abdus Salam said that a library, museum, coffee shop and separate seating area will be constructed in this memorial park.
Pakistanis killed freedom fighter Ziauddin Ahmad's father Dr Shamsuddin Ahmad who was working at Sylhet Medical College. Young Ziauddin was in the war.
"There is no complete list of martyrs in the liberation war. No one knows how many were killed and where they were buried. We are trying to find out. In 2017, we took the initiative to make the killing ground a memorial park," said Ziauddin.