3,58,125 posts vacant in ministries, divisions and directorates, State minister tells JS

There are 3,58,125 vacant posts in various ministries, divisions and directorates of the government, State Minister for Public Administration Farhad Hossain on Wednesday said responding to a tabled question from ruling party MP elected from Mymensingh Kazim Uddin Ahmed at parliament.
Farhad said that according to the latest published statistics of civil officers and staff-2021 book (published in June, 2022) from the Ministry of Public Administration, there are 3,58,125 vacant posts in various ministries/departments/directorates/departments and government offices under the government.
Among them, 43,336 posts of first class officers, 40,561 second class, 1,51,548 of the third class and 1,22,680 fourth class.
Out of these, 1,929 have been appointed through the 40th BCS and 3,966 assistant surgeons have been appointed through the 42nd Special BCS (Health) cadre.
He said that the 41st BCS oral exam is ongoing, the 43rd BSS written exam answer sheet evaluation is going on and 44th written exam ended on 11 January.
The junior minister said that the probable date of the 45th BCS preliminary test is scheduled in the second week of March.
He said that the appointment to the vacant posts in government offices is an ongoing process.