Using new power plants, boosting gas production big safeguard

It would become difficult for Bangladesh if volatility in energy prices persists in the global market.
Taking on new projects would also be hard for the country. What needs to be done is to complete the ongoing projects at the earliest.
For the next five years, we will be alright if we can ensure proper usage of the resources and infrastructure that we have in hand.
If the coal- and nuclear-based power projects that we have at the implementation stages all come into operation and primary fuel is supplied, we should be alright in terms of power for the next three to four years.
The plans for boosting production by 600mmcf (one million cubic feet of gas) by 2025 from our existing fields, even if new exploration is not done, would be a huge safeguard for gas supply to the industry and power sectors.
But long-term planning is needed and it depends on the global situation. In between, we need to start exploration to discover new gas fields.
Besides these, if the global energy price scenario remains volatile, we would not have any alternative option but to explore our coal resources, because if we don't get the energy from abroad and if we don't have the capability to purchase fuel, then we have to supply our own fuel.
Dr Mohammad Tamim is a Professor in Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering Department in BUET and former advisor to a caretaker government. He spoke to TBS Staff Correspondent Eyamin Sajid over the phone.